#nebula sp
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idevourglass · 5 months ago
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Part 1-5 of Choy's gang/close friends (there is yet more to be done 🤝)
Carl by Carrot (Discord), Marco by Stanley (Discord), Cooper by @bleach-enjoyer, ofc Choy by me, Name by @irykvv, Greg by irl friend Craig, Ray by @4raykage, Kemy by Kemy (Discord), Tomo by Tomo (Discord), Melody by @qw3rti, Moss by @everythingwasnormalhere, Orion by @fennecfiree, Reese by @spookyteeth, Nebula by @imtoodizzy, Nirami by @nirami-blogin, Uriel by @lem-n-aid, Ashton by @silver--scar, Ted by @skenisasleb, Alex/Alexander by Flipatea (Discord), Viracode by Viracode/Vira (Discord)
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silver--scar · 4 months ago
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This one didn't turn out as well but I hope you guys like it :]
There's another vers without the clouds below cut
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cosmic-nebula356 · 4 months ago
I love the kitsunes. Period.🥺
the best part of their lore is that the supposed lore that’s given to us can easily be turned into a cover up story. That being the whole “Long ago, three rival clans took their conflict too far. Bickering turned to battling, ill will turned to war. As punishment for their misdeeds, each of the clan leaders was cursed forever to remain in his animal form”
that set up alone is literally PERFECT, for a lead up to let the Kitsune’s tell their side of the story, and eventually have it revealed that it was a whole different reason that kicked it off why they ALL got cursed.
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weaponizedmoth · 4 months ago
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Two year art evolution.
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oldrudshore · 1 year ago
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Sentinel and my oc Nebula. I was joking at first but now they're gay married
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xxxlawrencexxx · 6 months ago
Y'all I got a question
Do you guys ever just feel bored and all of a sudden you wanted to do an edit with your top 3 favorite characters?
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Well that's what happened
And for top 3 characters for this pic are
Bunny: (Roblox piggy)
Onion cookie: (Cookie run)
Butters: (South Park)
That's all for today bye bye :>
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usergif · 1 year ago
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Her heart is wisdom skinned and wit warmed splendor, the echoes of a war cry holding its four chambers together. She rises like Athena on a night of victory dancing. She rises like the blood moon in a sky of a thousand nebulae bursting. ATHENA GIRL -- Nikita Gill (in | sp)
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sweatinghoneybee · 11 months ago
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I’m so happy this is finally finished! It took awhile to finish but i’m so happy!!
This is just a fanart of a headcanon i have of MC in a transformers fanfic i read in quotev where in the future she becomes a rebel against the senator council and goes threw out Cybertron graffitiing peace protests against the government and puts up hologram posters of facts and the lies that the council puts up to propagandize Cybertron’s population.
Honestly the hardest part on MC’s design is the shoulder and legs wheels cause i’ve never drawn transformers so i was racking my head on how to draw them. And also is it just me but why are transformers helms so hard to draw?!! Like i know it’s a helmet but just kept feeling like i just made them bald. But it’s so much fun trying to draw something that i’ve never tried before and so glad that there’s a concept art for the MC of the story in chapter 18 cause if there aren’t any i’m an absolute goner to draw this!!! And I mostly drew this in the Transformers animated style cause primus save me it would have took me ages of life to draw this in like prime or IDW style (to those who can transformers in that style, i bow to your superior skills cause most people would think that drawing detailed blocks are easy but PITS NOPE!!!)
And i gave little reference on the paint that’s inside the paint spray gun where the colors i referenced to the cover of the fanfic (and i also made MC holding a car spray gun to do her graffiti cause i kind of thought that no one in Cybertron have graffitied yet so for MC to do it in Cybertron like back in her life as a human she uses spray guns that are used to paint cars/alt modes in transformers. And if someone ask on why the spray gun is attached to a hose on MC’s bag thing, the black part of that bag is to storage paints so like the bags used by graffiti artists that i found and the red bottom part of the bag is an air compressor thing like it’s used in car spray gun but in a more portable size. And honestly not sure if i should call it bag cause, atleast in my headcanon on how MC made her handicraft bag, technically it’s just a metal box that MC found that she attaches a cut hose for the sling and maybe and old used air compressor she fixed cause if I remember correctly bags aren’t a thing in Transformers so i tried to incorporate that). And in the background is actually those colored beats like in videos where each music beats the video shows it as a reference to MC’s love of music (and the blue pink colors are not only referring to MC’s optics but also cause in the fanfic she has the power to open a portal to the void/shadow realm so i was referencing that). And the white lines on the edges of the drawing is a referencing to MC hacking and putting up hologram posters cause i thought that if MC is going to get the truth from the government she will need to be able to hack computer systems and such to get them. And it’s just a tiny detail but the curves inside of Nebula as she swirls behind MC where it’s sharp is a reference that she looks like flowing flames but I didn’t want it to be too obvious so i just decided to make her a flowing blob (cause i thought that that’s what she looks like in the solid world if MC isn’t in the void) shadow with slight sharp angles like how stylized fires look like. Also can someone tell me if there’s a device in Transformers to make hologram posters? Cause I wasn’t sure what it would look like so just made it look like a flat disc in MC’s right servo. And just a headcanon as well, MC’s will absolutely splatter herself with colorful paints as not only as protest against the government that tries to make her to convert to their ideals but also just as a fun self expression where while MC is covered it messy paints it’s also made her beautiful with her confidence on not being afraid to stand out and be different (tho i have a feeling that if Knockout saw her like that he’ll have a spark attack) kind of like a transformer’s version of tattoos and such. The feathers on MC’s helm i intentionally put rainbow colors on them cause i kind of thought that the feathers are holographic so every time MC moves her feathers reflects and changes color. And the reason why i made MC and Nebula surrounded with so many colors is sorta kind like a representation how went from just living by under the rules of Cybertron to taking charge in trying to help Cybertron by doing things that’s different by the standards there and giving color to the lives around her. And i made Nebula with wings as a little nod on her connection with Unicron and i just made her sparkly cause i thought it’ll be pretty hehe~ along with the mismatched mascaras that MC uses cause i just thought it adds abit of that rebellious allure especially since the colors that are used are the shade of the other optic’s color!
Honestly this is one of my favorite drawings i made! I’ve always loved those drawings where monochromatic colors being surrounded by like a rainbow bomb around them, so this drawing is definitely my absolute favorites!
X - X - X - X - X
And also if anyone is curious and wants to read the fanfic that i’ve been rambling above on the fanart i made here’s the link to the fic!
Please give some love to the author of this fic cause they’ve worked really hard to make this incredible well written fanfic that goes in depth on Transformers. And don’t forget to leave a heart on their fic! Like seriously go and give this a read! The plot hasn’t even gotten to the war part of the Transformers and it’s already so good! And to those who want a various x reader fic where the relationship goes deeper then just characters falling in love without context, this is a fic for you simping boos out there!
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tordspinkytoe · 3 months ago
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Hellos im owen and ill tell u abt the nebula sys!!
First im the memory holder and the caregiver (owen btw 🛸)
Thompson🔫 (sheriff Thompson) is the introject / the first alter and the manager
Then kurt📱 , (kurt kunkle) the truama holder
Tord🇳🇴 the fragment alter with little to no memory
Vriska🩸 , terezi🐲 , tomska🎸, davepeta sprite☀️ are the core(s)
Then paul🪖 and nessa🥤 are the protectors !!
Im willing to answer questions
Ask fr more info bye!!!!!!!!!
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theofficialastronomy101 · 1 year ago
My new photo from my skywatcher SP 3
The spaghetti nebula
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thestartome · 11 months ago
TheStarTome A Sims 4 Lightmaptex tutorial. ✨💖✨
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Credits for tutorials that made this tutorial possible:
•orangemittens •@sp-creates •@alistu •sim_man123
This would not be possible without the help of
•@brainstrip •@aj-nebula •@itsonlythee-sims
I thank you all, I am ever grateful for your help!
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revenant-coining · 2 years ago
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: black-purple, purple, blue-purple, blue, blue-purple, purple, black-purple. End ID]
requested by @celeszials
Atiumbrachol: a gender that feels like the shadow of a person floating in space, there’s no nearby stars, nebulae, or galaxies, it’s like the shadow is floating in a part of space too deep for stars and colors to reach. Like a void, but you can still see some bright stars twinkling out in the distance, really far out there. The shadow feels overlooked and unseen in the real world, been when surrounded by people. It feels alone and melancholy, enjoying the peaceful alone time yet also craving the warmth of company.
Etymology: “(sp)atium”, latin for space, “(um)bra”, latin for shadow, (melan)chol(y)
Pronounced: atz-ee-um bruh call (atium bra chol)
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[ID: an orange line divider with a star covered in flame in the middle. End ID]
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neptunetried-andfailed · 1 year ago
Introo <3
I go by Neptune and Nebula :3
my pronouns are they/them
I'm nonbianary flux!! sometimes more fem, sometimes more masc :3
Some of my favorite movies/shows are; SP, GO, ST, SF,TGF,BNHA, Nimona, Chucky (series) and TBP, but I'm currently hyper fixating on TMF and BSD (SKK AND JUST THEM IN GENERALL THOO 😻)
Diagnosed Depression and Anxiety (posts get a little silly sometimes...)
my whole life is music so some of my favorite artists are; Queen, The Smiths, Eyedress, Sales, Alex G, Roar, Memo boy, Dresden Dolls, And Mitski
some of my favorite books are; Cemetery boys, The spirit bares it's teeth, The wayward children, and The goldfinch.
This is a safe space, so please don't have stupid lil' fights in my replies//questions, I really prefer to avoid drama if I can.
(I update this a lot, so if you want to come back and read it again you can!! some stuff will change over time but right now it's kinda just music//hyper fixations)
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emptypassicn-moved · 1 year ago
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “  14. what traits does your muse want to avoid when it comes to choosing a romantic partner? + 28. would it bother your muse if they had differing interests from their partner(s), or would they delight in it? + 32. does your muse have an ideal "type"? For Mole, Herbert { sp }, and Bradley From; romance & relationship headcanons! } ”
From ;; romance & relationship headcanons! // Currently Accepting
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Answers under the cut because it got long.
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14. what traits does your muse want to avoid when it comes to choosing a romantic partner?
Mole wouldn't want a partner who's needy / clingy or self-entitled. He will be gone at times for long periods of time for work so someone that always needs him around, always needs things from him, or stuff like that would not be someone he would stick around. Similarly, he wouldn't stay around someone who's self-entitled for very long. He will not do things for someone because they expect him to, have a particular status, or so on. Mole doesn't really give a fuck who someone is, what their status is, or so on. He won't put up with being expected to conform to someone who's entitled like that.
Herbert similarly isn't interested in people who are self-entitled. He'd seen enough entitlement from people during the time he was alive due to the circles his family was involved in. He thinks its obnoxious and snobby. He also can't stand the idea of being with someone who's constantly negative. Herbert likes to believe himself to be a pretty positive person so he doesn't think he could really deal with someone who's always so down acting. Also, it reminds him of his cousin a bit too much.
Bradley likely wouldn't be able to remain with someone clingy / needs him around a lot. Like Mole he will be gone for very long periods of time but, unlike Mole, he won't be able to be contacted at all due to being off planet. He wouldn't want someone to get clingy amounts of attached to him only for him to have to be gone for a long time. He also wouldn't want to be with someone who gets jealous easily.
28. would it bother your muse if they had differing interests from their partner(s), or would they delight in it?
Mole wouldn't care very much. It likely wouldn't bother him nor would he really delight in it, it'd just be something he's neutral to. As long as the interests aren't ones he's not forced to partake in when he doesn't want to then he won't care at all. They can talk about it and he'll listen, he prefers listening anyways.
Herbert would likely delight in it. He'd be interested in hearing about any interests his partner may have, maybe even partaking in them himself. He's definitely open to trying anything once.
Bradley would be fine with his partner having differing interests. While he might not always understand what they may be interested in he'll be more than happy to listen to them talk about it. Maybe he'd also be open to partaking in any interests his partner has but that really depends on what it is.
32. does your muse have an ideal "type"?
None of them really have a set ideal type but they do have general preferences for an ideal partner I guess?
Obviously, Mole would prefer someone who's independent and can deal with his absences. He also would want someone who wouldn't pressure him into changing how he lives such as trying to get him to stop his mercenary work. Though, probably the biggest thing for him is wanting someone who won't force him into any form of physical touch. Surprising him with or pressuring him him into physical touch is the quickest way to get Mole to not like you anymore aside from trying to get him to change himself.
Herbert does not have an ideal type at all. Just be a decent person and you're fine.
Bradley, similarly to Mole, would prefer someone who's more independent and can deal with his long-term absences. He also just wants someone who's nice and can be "soft" per se.
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honkai-news-network · 1 year ago
Honkai 7.1 - Chapter 42 Info - CN title is 绝地天通, en translates to some cn term - This is the final chapter of Part 1.5, and you will face a final boss. - Features gameplay mode Galactic Stairway - Rewards Kiana: Preparation B stigma __Honkai 7.1 Topup Event__ Topup around 100 usd to get Palatinus Equinox stamp x 6 / Mobius stamp x 3 / Ancient Legacy x 240, and other rewards such as Expansion card x1, Focus card x1, SP card x1, Ancient Willpower x50 __Galactic Stairway event mode__ As one of the survival plans from the previous era, the Ark is huge and well-equipped. Operating the Ark has become a skill that every survivor needs to master—— The "Galactic Stairway" limited-time event is open. Captains will participate in Ark pilot simulation training and master how to pilot this huge spaceship through three different training modules: "Path Navigation" , "Nebula Jump" and "Galaxy Evolution" . Go through the challenges and embrace the infinite stars. You can find more pics on the original post https://www.miyoushe.com/bh3/article/... #HonkaiImpact3rd #Honkai71 #Griseo
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xxxlawrencexxx · 7 months ago
Ok so earlier while I was doing the head canons of the fan kids for the descendants au my best friend and I talked about a old au I have (Fallen fandoms) and remembering that I had defealts boys in the storage in gacha nebula I've decided to remake three, I might end up trying to do the rest tomorrow along with the headcanons right now here are the characters
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Infinite the jackle from sonic
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Onion cookie from cookie run
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And last but not least butters from South park
And here's a small bonus
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They are siblings your honor :D
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